Time is short. Step back from the keyboard and let me knock this one over.
I get thrills from turning words into feelings. The kind of feelings that make people snort with laughter on the train, well up mid-scroll of their social feed, or mull over in the shower. The type of feelings that make your business memorable.
My expertise is in creating brand communication strategies and polished copy that make organisations sparkle in a way that is uniquely ‘them’.
I already believe your business is awesome. Let's make sure everyone else knows it, too, shall we?
A few things you should know about me...
Working with small and medium-sized businesses is my jam
…and cream on a scone. There’s something about working with SMEs to level-up their brand and nail their copy that brings me great joy.
I believe reliability, efficiency and resourcefulness save time (and I know you do too).
You’ve probably got a to-do list as long as your left leg. You’ve probably eaten lunch at your desk more than once this week. You don’t have time to sweat over your next social media post or what’s written on your website. You need to work with a copywriter who can get stuff done and do it well. You see, I don’t have time to waste either – and that makes me your new BFF.
Spending time on words + spending time with my kids = winning.
That’s not to say I’ll be writing your copy while stacking blocks and riding bikes (although it is when creativity can strike hardest) but as a freelancer, it does mean I have the flexibility and freedom to work with you when it suits you best - including outside the hours when you’re just trying to get on with your day job.
I can pivot, pivot, pivot!
Growing up + living regionally x a career in corporate comms and marketing has given me an edge. I’m a local gal with experience working for some of the biggest brands in the country. Websites, eDMs, sales pages, blogs, internal comms, employer branding…I can quickly and skilfully swivel between it all without dropping the ball.
I love working with awesome people on awesome brands.
I’m the type of person who wants to dive in and get started – toss the kickboard over the edge and swim right over to the deep end. Getting to know you and helping people understand your brand is what excites me most about my job. I’m your strategizing, copywriting, communications sidekick. Now, enough about me. Let’s spend time talking about you over coffee and cheesecake.